Resting In Winter | yin - restorative
Soma Yoga | Trauma Informed Yoga
This is a Yin-Restorative series exploring the aspects of Winter as it applies to healing and post traumatic growth.
Session 1: Roots
Legs, hips, root chakra.
“Our lives are not linear, but like seasons. We undulate, we spiral round, we wax and wane, we unravel and restore.
Autumn and Winter remind us, that our endings are natural, not pointless or complete failures. But an essential part of living, of growth.
And when we open to the teachings our decomposing brings, it will feed our seeds with a deeper knowing of self, with courage and care. Becoming the fertile decay, from which we grow.”
-Brigit Anna McNeill
Session 2: Pause And Reflect
Heart space + thoracic spine.
Contemplation: “This is uncomfortable. You want to rush through. You want to hurry to whatever is next. Next is not available yet. Next is being made possible now, and it does not exist yet. Slow down and dream a little. You have the power to conjure and imagine what is next. This is a place of possibility.”
-Octavia Raheem in Pause, Rest, Be
Session 3: Seed
Spine, side body, twists + low back.
Contemplation: “The days are darker, the soil blackening with the rotting down of the past, I breathe in the petrichor, the fungus and the darkness, feeling safe in their arms. Knowing that is where glory grows, this is the womb of life.”
-Brigit Anna McNeill
Session 4: Hope
Ventral vagus nerve stimulation, self massage, cervical spine, humming breath.
You’re invited to use some salve or oil during the first part of this practice while we practice self massage.
Session 5: Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a deeply nourishing and restful practice that invites you to bring compassionate awareness to your body without movement.
Affirmation: I am creating space for _____.