Embodied Existence | gentle movement

Soma Yoga | Trauma Informed Yoga


Gentle movement, mindful breathing, and guided meditation as we dive into the 5 layers of the self outlined for us within an ancient yogic model (Pancha Maya Kosha). Each layer takes us a step deeper starting gross, then moving inward toward subtle layers.


Session 1: Body

Anandamaya | physical layer/ body

Hip flexors, hamstrings + guided meditation.

Affirmation: I listen as my body speaks.

Session 2: Breath

Pranamaya | breath layer

Neck, shoulders, side body, guided breath work + meditation.

Affirmation: I can let my needs be known. // I am learning to let my needs be known.

Session 3: Mind

Manomaya | mental layer

Balance, hip flexors, twists, hamstrings, guided meditation.

Affirmation: I am the observer and the observed.

Session 4: Intuition

Vijnanamaya | intuition / wisdom layer

Guided meditation, heart + hip opening.

Contemplation: What does my intuition sound like? What does it feel like?

Session 5: Heart

Anandamaya | heart space / bliss layer

Moon salutation, hip flexors, guided meditation.

Affirmation: I love you.


Deserving | gentle movement


Exhale | breath work + movement