Courage to Feel Again | gentle movement

Soma Yoga | Trauma Informed Yoga


Trauma may separate us from ourselves and others, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Courage to Feel Again is an invitation to build capacity to feel and be with your body and emotions without judgement or trying to “fix.” This is a time to learn how to identify sensations and emotions, find words, and learn how to hold space for your own heart as I also hold space for you.


Session 1: Courage

Hip flexors, side body, hamstrings.

Contemplation: “When you examine your darkness, you see how much light is hidden behind it. You can’t walk around it, only through. Going through creates friction. That friction rubs you until there is a whisper of shine. Avoiding your darkness dulls your light and silences the hum of your glow.”

-Octavia Raheem in Pause, Rest, Be


Emotion - Sensation Wheel by Lindsay Braman


Session 2: Compassionate Awareness

Heart space, chest, shoulders, guided meditation.

Affirmation: I experience my emotions and thoughts with compassionate awareness.

Session 3: Holding Space

Quads, glutes, psoas, ujjayi pranayama.

Affirmation: I hold space for myself with ______.

Contemplation: “What does it mean to hold space for another person? It means that we are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control.”

-Heather Plett

Session 4: Feel Your Feelings

Neck, shoulders, upper back, self massage, humming breath.

Affirmation: I am allowed to feel my emotions. // I am allowed to feel my feelings.

Aches + Pains salve for self massage.


What Is Trauma Informed Yoga?